
AONB Conservation Fund open for applications.

The Shropshire Hills Conservation Fund is open for applications. 

This is a small grant pot, administered by the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust, which can award up to £2,000 towards local projects that help to conserve, enhance and raise awareness of the Shropshire Hills.

Over the years, the Fund has supported many local conservation, community and educational projects.  From habitat management for rare species such as the Wood White butterfly, whinchat, dormice and curlew, to creating pollinator gardens in community spaces, restoring village verges and enabling volunteers to monitor wildlife. 

The Fund has also helped lots of school children and young people to engage with their local landscape through various outdoor activities including using digital media.

Please get in touch with us if you have a project in mind.

Priority areas for projects are:

  • Conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, landscape, wildlife or heritage of the Shropshire Hills AONB.
  • Educational and awareness-raising activities relating to the AONB and its conservation, especially involving young people.


Find out more about the Fund & how to apply 




Published by Shropshire Hills National Landscape on