
Family Friendly Activities at Clungunford churchyard

A family-friendly drop-in afternoon to discover more about the wealth of wildlfie in the churchyard.

Our churchyards are home to ancient species-rich wildflower meadows. Do you know your betony from your yellow rattle, and do you know which plants can protect against lightening? Join one of our informal wildflower folklore walks and find out.

If you fancy having a go with a sweep net and discovering more about our invertebrate species, then come along to our bug hunt or watch our moth release. Or if mammals are more your thing our expert will tell you how to recognise nuts nibbled by different rodent species, including the elusive dormouse.

This event which is part of the Shropshire Hills 'Opening the Arc' project which is inviting local communities into their burial grounds to explore the wealth of wildlife to be found there.

For more information see their Facebook page or email for further information.

Event starts at 2:00pm.